Jumat, 16 Desember 2011



Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

in my SOTOY opinian.....

pertama tama mau bilang alhamdulillah dulu karena akhirnya akhirnya ni yaaa MELEPASKAN STATUS PENGGANGURAN juga... dan akhirnya kerja di bank juga sesuai harapan, its not about salary tapi ini karna anggapan kalo kerja d bank itu cantik rapi dan anggun...hahahahaha 
walopun di bank swasta yang gaa gede gede amat tapi yaa lumayan.namanya fresh graduate kalo mau banyak milih yaa gabisa. minimal ini buat pengalaman dulu.

berikut suka dan duka nya selama uda jadi wanita karier ;
-  akan kehilangan masa muda belia hura hura dan     berjalan jalan kesana kemari
- akan hidup secara monoton ga kenal dunia luar karena dari pagi sampe malam dihabiskan disana.
- mesti kuat menghadapi tekanan senior atopun deadline kerjaaan
- mesti ramah sopan dan 'sok iyeh' didepan nasabah walopun nasabah nyebelin nya kaya apaaa, meskipun dalam hati menangiss.
- pulang malam mandii langsung tidur senin- jumat DAAMN
- nah ini point paling penting nya ' GAJINYA gaa SEBERAPA 

kalo semua duka itu dikumpulkan dan dirasakan rasanya pengen ga kerja ajaaa nyerahhh deh, mau ganti cita cita ajaa jadi istrinya orang kayaraya trus buka butik sama salon trus tiap hari arisan sana sini shopping kluar negriii


25 OKTOBER  fakultas 

26 OKTOBER universitas

kalo ditanya gimana rasanya hari inii
rasanya itu  kaya jadi barbie uda paling cantik senusantara gapngen lepasin kebaya dan hapus make up sampe tengah malem .
thnks to god karena anugerah kecantikan dihari itu
thnks to mas mas dan mba mba salon 
thnks to kebaya 
speechless guweh ;'>

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

berhenti dikamu - anji

Tiap aku mendengar suara kamu
Rasanya mau bilang iya Maafkan kamu, terima kamu kembali Aku tahu kamu sangat menyesal Akupun juga tak sempurna Cerita kita tiada yang bisa gantikan Namun ada satu yang terjadi Hatiku cinta kamu Tak bisa mau kembali lagi, ulang semua Aku tak mau lukai kamu Tubuhku butuh kamu Tapi tak bisa rasa seperti dulu Usai sudah aku Kalau ku ingat-ingat lagi sayang Hatiku berhenti di kamu Cerita kita tiada yang bisa gantikan Namun ada satu yang terjadi Hatiku cinta kamu tak bisa mau kembali lagi, ulang semua Aku tak mau lukai kamu Tubuhku butuh kamu tapi tak bisa rasa seperti dulu Usai sudah aku

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Are you happy with your weight ?:p

HELLO, it's me again, im in the mood to blog :p

Do you love your body?Well, i do. but i still want to lose some pounds  --______--
i think my biggest mistake is being a procrastinator. 
Man, i really need to overcome this bad habbit :p
Girls (including me) often think 'diet start tomorrow' 
'i will stop eating cookies tomorrow' 'i will exercise tomorrow', etc. I already understand that everything should be started now. 

Do anything that you can do today :)

you should love your self, no matter how you look :)
but dont forget to take care of yourself , choose the healthy way to lose weight.

status: JOB SEEKER!

Nama : Dwi Astuti
Umur : 22 tahun
Status : JOB SEEKER!

 Aku ngga akan nulis tips mencari pekerjaan atau bagaimana menghadapi wawancara pekerjaan karena aku aja baru ngelamar sanasini dan ini juga masih nunggu panggilan. Sedih. Aku cuma mau nulis tentang pengalaman dan curhatan sebagai fresh graduate yang ngga bisa pilih-pilih pekerjaan sesuai keinginan. Beberapa kali interview di salah satu bank swasta tapi hingga hari ini juga tak kunjung ada kepastian. Sana sini ngebawa stopmap masukin lamaran ke seluruh penjuru sudut, tengah maupun tepi kota Semarang dan tak kunjung mendapat panggilan, poor me :(
Cari kerja itu NGGA GAMPANG you know !!!

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

YOU're No better, YOU're just DIFFERENT !

When you're focused on self-development and improving your life, inevitably, you’re gonna start developing a bit of an ego and a superiority complex. Since you’re taking on new habits to improve your life and feel happy within yourself, you begin to look down on others for not doing the same. You start thinking: “Hey, I’m putting the work to improve and chasing dreams while everyone is asleep and not even in control of their lives. They’re unaware that they have no concept of self-improvement, and they’re just going to remain the same, so of course I’m better than them!”  While truth of the matter is that you are no better or worse than any human being – you are just different. First, you must realize that some people don’t have the same psychological drives or needs that you have. Some people don’t feel the need to self-actualize like you do. They are very comfortable in their own skin and with their lives. I’ve been there. It made me look down on people because I thought my perspective on life was the ‘right’ one, and those who didn’t break out of their comfort zone or explore had something wrong with their brains, indoctrinated by social conditioning. I was wrong. People are just different. Some want to explore, some want to build a nest. Neither is better. It's up to the person to decide. Also, empathize with people. Put yourself in their shoes for a change. Why condemn or look down on them, when all that separates you and others is the knowledge of what is possible. Certainly, that knowledge doesn’t make you better than any other human being. You have to understand people in the context of their story lives; what their life is like, how they grew up, what they've been through, etc. So stop worrying about being superior, because no matter what, you’ll never find enough evidence to prove that you are actually “better”. You will always compare yourself to others because you will always doubt your own superiority - unless you’re really deluded. Your ego will always try to compare yourself to others. Sometimes it’s necessary, but most of the time..just use your heart.